Elliott Connie Reaching Your Full Potential With A Solution-Focused Mindset Podcast Episode 34
You have to find excuses to succeed. We find excuses to fail all the time, you have to actively find excuses to succeed. So if I have a goal, and let's say my goal is to write a book, right, which I'm currently doing, then there are tons of reasons that I can give myself permission to fail. It's a big project, I'm really tired, I'm not traveling as much. So I don't have as much energy, I'm not seeing as many clients face to face. There's all kinds of like you have, the reasons to not succeed are in front of you constantly, what you have to do is find excuses to succeed. And that sounds like once you have a project, and once you have a goal, once you have something you're trying to accomplish, then the next thing you do is you sit down and you literally have a conversation with yourself about like, what are all of the reasons that this could actually occur. And really, honestly spend time thinking about the other side of the accomplishment. Because when you think about the outcome that you would gain from accomplishing a goal, then it makes it increases motivation exponentially.
Nikki Hedstrom: A Thought Is A Thought. It's Not You. It’s Just Not! Featured on episode 52
Can you choose another thought? This question began to change how Nikki Hedstrom’s approached life. Learn about her new book, A Thought Is A Thought and why she wrote it in podcast episode 52 of Parenting 2.0 The Focused Mindset. You can listen and read the full transcribed conversation between Cher and Nikki right here, right now.